World Wide Views on Climate and EnergyWorld Wide Views on Climate and Energy

On the road to Cop 21, Paris, December 2015

June 6, 2015
The largest ever global citizen consultation on climate and energy.

The WWViews Results Report is online here

as well as a media package

The report was launched September 26 at a high level event
in New York during the General Assembly of the United Nations.

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The largest ever global citizen consultation on climate and energy. On June 6, beginning at dawn in the Pacific Islands and ending at dusk in the West Coast of the United States, citizens around the world took part in the largest ever public consultation on climate change and energy. See more

The WWViews Results Report will be published late September.

World Wide Views on Climate and Energy June 6, 2015

World Wide Views on Climate and Energy 2015... par debatpublic


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Assess Climate Change

Global warming leads to critical changes for populations around the globe. Climate and Energy debates include now years of researches and facts to analyse the consequences.


A two degrees rise of global temperature provoques major changes of climate equilibirum in comparison with the pre-industrial observations. How do we mesure this & take decisions to apply.

Limit aggravating factors

Pollution and industrial rejects side-effects can be reduced with cooperation of governments and front-line private business levers in convergence with associations actors & search laboratories.

Engage & manage response

Give every citizen the opportunity to collaborate to a global response strategy on global humankind problematics. How do we deal with it, directly or through our political imbricated systems.





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the same Day


Get in touch

Bjørn Bedsted

Yves Mathieu

Christian Leyrit


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